FastBraces®: Straight Teeth in 3 months to only a YEAR!

FastBraces® are an alternative to traditional braces.

Amazing results can be achieved in as little as three months (yes, you read that right, only three months). Most of our patients have come to us because they were referred to see the orthodontic specialist who quoted them two to three years of dealing with braces. Not to mention a $7,000 price tag.

At Gateway Oaks Family Dentistry, our patients average nine months of treatment and a typical cost of $3,000- $5,200 depending on the complexity of their case. (Need financing?)

The lifetime warranty provided by FastBraces® is one that goes unmatched in the orthodontic world. You know, you had braces but you lost the retainer and then ten years later you are unable with your smile again. With FastBraces®, all that you need to do is return to your FastBraces® provider (or one of the hundreds in the country) and pay for the records fee to start over again.

Dr. Hoang Truong is a Sacramento Dentist and has been serving the Sacramento community since 2008.


Check out our finished FastBraces® cases on our Facebook page!

He finished his ortho treatment today after only 10 months in FastBraces®. Time to celebrate – but first, let me take a selfie! #fastbraces® #orthodonticssacramento #sacramentodentist

Posted by Gateway Oaks Family Dentistry on Tuesday, May 12, 2015