Single Tooth Implants in Sacramento, CA

 For those looking for an advantageous and dependable solution to a single missing tooth, we recommend single tooth implants. As one of the most similarly functioning restorations available, a dental implant can also be a natural and complementary addition to your smile. In comparison to other tooth replacement options, a dental implant does not affect the health of any adjacent teeth. Furthermore, a dental implant preserves your overall oral health and bone structure as it replaces the root of your tooth and integrates the with your jawbone.

The similar maintenance of your dental implant to your natural teeth also makes the dental home care for this restoration easier to get used to. You can learn more about the replacement tooth options available at Gateway Oaks Dental as we work with you to determine the best treatment plan.

Dental model with implantation

Our dentist, Dr. Hoang Truong, can examine your oral health and dental structure to determine if a single tooth implant in Sacramento, California, is the most suitable treatment for your needs. If you have any questions on our dental care and comprehensive treatment options, we would love to address your concerns and invite you to call our office at any time. You may reach us at 916-649-0249.