How Can I Have an Attractive Smile for School Picture Day?

If your school picture day is coming up, our dentist, Dr. Hoang Truong, would like to help you have the best smile possible. The most important characteristic in a picture is a smile, right? So, let him help you have a stunning smile for picture day by giving you the tips you need.

First, have a thorough oral hygiene routine. This means you should brush twice a day, floss once a day, and rinse daily. Brushing and flossing on picture day can help you remove food particles that are stuck between your teeth. The rinsing can help you have a pristine breath. We know you won’t be able to smell the breath through the picture, but having a fresh breath can boost your self-confidence, which might make your smile a little bigger.

Second, visit Gateway Oaks Dental for your six-month checkup. This dental appointment can help your smile in many ways. First, it can deeply clean your smile, which can help you prevent dental issues, like big holes in your teeth. Having holes in the teeth can definitely affect the picture. Second, it can polish your teeth with a special treatment. This treatment can remove the surface stains from your smile and whiten your teeth.

Do you have any questions about how you can have an attractive smile for picture day? If so, please contact our dental team in Sacramento, California, by dialing 916-649-0249. We will be more than happy to help you, and we look forward to hearing from you!