Keeping Your Mouth Healthy

Did you know that brushing and flossing your teeth can strengthen your oral health? Oral health care is important not only because having putrid breath is awkward, but also because weak oral health can result in grave conditions. To help you understand more about your oral health, our team at Gateway Oaks Dental in Sacramento, California, is ecstatic to give you some information!

First, were you aware that you should brush your teeth twice a day for at least two minutes per session? It’s true! Giving your teeth a complete cleaning twice a day will help enhance your dental health long-term by battling cavities and bacteria.

Additionally, watch out for gum health and gum disease, also known as periodontal disease. Gum disease is harmful because many people have it without realizing it until they realize the hurtful, costly effects, including sensitive teeth and bleeding, painful gums. If you have hurting or bleeding gums, make an appointment with Dr. Hoang Truong as soon as you can so we can get your smile back on track!

Finally, don’t forget that flossing goes hand-in-hand with brushing your teeth, to ensure that you are flossing after brushing each night. This will help your teeth stay clean in the far spots your brush bristles can’t get to. Do you have concerns about your teeth and oral health? Please call 916-649-0249 today to schedule a checkup with the friendly staff at Gateway Oaks Dental in Sacramento, California.