Why You Should Help Your Smile With Fluoride

Did your dentists, Dr. Truong and Dr. Sajid, recommend exposing your teeth to fluoride? If so, our dental team will be happy to tell you why. Fluoride is a natural mineral that can help your smile in many ways. In fact, there are a variety of different benefits to fluoride. Those benefits are:

-Fluoride can keep your teeth in top-notch condition because it can strengthen the tooth enamel. The fluoride soaks into the enamel and nourishes it. This makes it tough for oral bacteria and acid to harm the teeth because the outer shell is too tough to wear down.

-Fluoride can reverse the early development of a cavity. This is because the fluoride targets the weak spot in the tooth and works very hard to strengthen the enamel and promote healing. If you keep the tooth clean and expose it to fluoride regularly, you can save your tooth the trouble of having a cavity.

-Fluoride can help you reduce tooth sensitivity. This is because the fluoride strengthens the enamel and closes the pathways that lead to the inner surfaces of the tooth, which are extremely sensitive, especially to hot and cold products.

To learn more about fluoride in Sacramento, California, please contact Gateway Oaks Dental at 916-649-0249 when you get the chance. Our dental team will be more than happy to help you. Now remember: It’s best to expose your teeth to fluoride by using fluoride toothpaste and mouthwash and by drinking fluoridated water.